What we do
We strive to be a responsive and creative solutions provider for management teams and business owners seeking alternatives to traditional equity financing. We also opportunistically invest in public credit and credit-related opportunities and special situations.
The structured capital team is integrated within our private equity team and works in close collaboration with the public equity team.

A long-term, partnership-focused approach
Our broad investment mandate includes:




Consistent with Viking’s other businesses, we are long-term oriented and seek to be a supportive partner to the management teams we invest behind.
Our commitment
Credit and structured capital are relatively new areas for Viking that we are committed to grow. We believe they are natural extensions of our fundamental approach to equity investing. We also view credit and structured capital as strategic in expanding the range of financing solutions we can provide to companies and investment partners.
Our effort draws upon Viking’s 25+ years of experience evaluating businesses and management teams and partnering with those we believe to be exceptional.
Being a part of Viking offers significant advantages to the strategy and the companies in which it invests.